Hi Everybody!
I don't know about you but getting ready for a sub to take the reins in my classroom is a big ol' bummer! ...and frankly being a sub has it's challenges too!
The classroom teacher thinks, "Not only will I be out of the room. I will lose prep time... Prep time to get ready for the sub and prep time on the day that I am out. Then the kids lose instructional time away from me too. How can I make learning meaningful and engaging for my students? How can I quickly prepare for the sub without forfeiting my prep time for the week?" Hmmmmm.....
It isn't a cake walk for the sub either! I used to be a sub. Walking into someone else's classroom is like strolling into an airport in a foreign country.
The substitute teacher thinks, " Quick read the lessons, find the materials, figure out where to pick up the students, Can I go to the bathroom? Where is the bathroom? I will try to answer student and parent questions but clearly I have my own questions!! "
This year I made a binder for my sub......It is a survival guide and it is chocked full of things that the sub needs for the day. There are classlists, parent phone numbers, procedures, location of materials, staff phone numbers, emergency lesson plans, etc. etc. etc in a one binder. All of this is editable so I can change the information from year to the next.
I also get bored... I love all things pretty and cute. So I made lots of different binder covers so that I switch them out each year. While I was at it I decided that maybe I would like an editable lesson planner for myself. I would be very organized then!!!
So I made a few different products to smooth the over the planning bumps~ These are the products that I offer:
Editable substitute binder
Editable substitute and Lesson planner ( featured here )
Full color substitute binder
I also started making LIFESAVERS! NO PREP LESSON PLANS FOR THE SUBSTITUTE OR FOR YOU IF YOU HAVE AN EMERGENCY" All you need to do is to download the file, send it to your sub and your students will have worthwhile of engaging activities with minimal materials to scout out and prepare.
You can find this product at Teachers Pay Teachers, Teacher's Notebook and my newest e-store at Teachwise. Click on the cover and you will be led to the Teacher's Notebook site where the product is on sale this week.
Here's the full product description:
NO colored INK ? no problem! Getting ready for the week or a sub has never been easier with this kit. Use this editable black and white Powerpoint document to leave all the details about your classroom that substitute teachers need to take the reins for short or long terms. You, your substitutes, and students will surely be able to relax and enjoy the school days. Here is what is included in this kit:
Checklist of things to include in your binder
Binder Covers to choose from ( you could use these for other projects as well )
1-Lesson Plans (2 styles)
1-Grade Book
1-Fieldtrip checklist
1- Form to write a welcome letter to your sub
2 - Key staff forms to choose from
2- Class Roster Forms
Daily Schedule Forms (1- generic and one for each day of the week)
Behavior Management form
Allergy Form
Medical Form
Emergency Procedures
Who to go to for help
Procedure Forms (2 styles)
Students who are pulled out list
Where to Find list
Transportation list
Time Fillers
Margins on forms have been adjusted so that you can three hole punch the forms. You may also wish to place the forms in plastic sleeves for additional durability.
****Principal and administrators may purchase this poduct to distribute among staff to ensure accountability and uniformity in information provided to subs.
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