Fact Family Flip It! 3's
You KNOW you want your students to learn their multiplication and division facts, but most don't on their own. Fact Family Flip It! is the fix for that. Use it often--the kids WILL want to--and watch the magic happen.
Fact Family Flip It! reaches and teaches TEKS 3.4F and CCSS 3.OA C7, and it helps ALL students master basic multiplication and division facts. Since it is fun for teachers and tutors to play, it must be fun for middle schoolers and high schoolers too, if they are in need of help with fact fluency. (And maybe even if they aren't.)
Look for the related products, or, better yet, buy the bundles! This line of products is really worth laminating and using over and over again, day after day, year after year. I've tested it with under-motivated tutoring students and with well-motivated above grade level math babies. In short, it is FUN. Fun equates to motivation. And motivation equals learning!
Happy teaching,
Teaching's a Joy!