Saturday, August 31, 2019

Make 10 Matching Task Cards for Back to School

 Make 10 Matching

Give your students plenty of time to practice Making Tens.
These Back to School themed task cards give students
three different ways to make tens by asking 3 questions:

How Many? (using Ten frames)
How Many More? (using pictures)
What's Missing? (Using basic addition sentences)

You will find plenty more Make Ten, Ten Frame, Addition and Subtraction
 Task Cards sets in my store!  Click on the pictures to see this and other 
classroom products.

 Football- Make 10 Matching     Fun in the Sun- Make 10 Matching     Halloween- Make 10 Matching

Kris McWilliams

Mistakes Allow Thinking to Happen

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 Mistakes Allow Thinking to Happen

FREE MATH LESSON - “Division Quick and Easy to Prep Center Game for Dividing By Eleven Freebie”

by Fern Smith's Classroom Ideas
3rd - 6th Grade

Looking to add some excitement to your center time? These highly engaging center games are quick and easy to prep and can be used for a variety of games, concentration, match game, go fish, gin rummy, scoot, read the room, self checking, even perfect for assessments. Once your students play with this deck, many of my other Quick and Easy to Prep centers can be used for different skills and seasons. Your center time will run smoothly and with very little prep from you! This Quick and Easy to Prep Division Center Game is perfect for reviewing the Divide By Eleven Concept.

This free math resource includes:
Four center game pages in color
Teacher directions and Common Core sheet

Thank you,
Fern Smith * TPT Store * Blog * Pinterest *

© Fern Smith's Classroom Ideas

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Friday, August 30, 2019

Playing around in Math Class: Using Math Games

Let's face it, not everyone likes Math (myself included).
When my students need to practice their math skills, I like giving them a fun way to practice.
Whenever possible, I like to find (or create) a Math Game to go with the topic/ skill we are practicing.

Math games are a great way to practice:
-Math Facts
-Comparing Numbers/ Decimals/ Fractions
-Adding/ Subtracting/ Multiplying/ Dividing
-and much more!

Check out these Easy-Setup Math Games for  3rd- 5th Grade Classrooms:

 Addition BINGO     Easy Setup 3rd grade math games Math Games & Activities for 5th Grade 

 Multiplication BINGO 

Also available 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade Math Task Card Bundles with FREE Game Boards!

You will find more Math materials on my TpT Store!

Kris McWilliams
Mistakes Allow Thinking to Happen

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FREE MATH LESSON - “Reading in the Middle School Math Classroom”

by Lindsay Perro
6th - 8th Grade

Do you struggle with students who do not read problems thoroughly, or take time to comprehend what they read in your math classroom? I do! This four page lesson/activity will help guide students through making sense of what they read and eliminating answers from multiple choice questions because they simply don't make sense. 

Do you want your students to write better in math class too? 
Writing In The Middle School Math Classroom 
Middle School Math Writing Prompts

Copyright Information :
© Lindsay Perro. Please note - all material included in this resource belongs to Lindsay Perro Inc. By purchasing, you have a license to use the material but you do not own the material. You may not upload any portion of this resource to the internet in any format, including school/personal websites or network drives unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students, not other teachers or anyone else on the internet. 

✮✮If you are interested in gaining access to an exclusive set of free resources, CLICK HERE.

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Thursday, August 29, 2019

FREE MATH LESSON - “FREEBIE Fifth Grade Math Interactive Notebook Scope and Sequence”

by Smith Curriculum and Consulting
5th Grade

Are you curious about what the Fifth Grade Math Interactive Notebook covers and if it is right for you and your students?

This FREE download is to help show you each of the activities as well as standards covered for each of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and Oklahoma Academic Standards (OAS) for ease of use in your classroom. 

As you can see, there are activities that while they align for Fifth Grade in one set of standards they are another grade level completely for other standards. I have left all of these lessons in the bundle for you rather than having separate items for each set of standards. You just choose which items to print and use in your classroom.

Each lesson comes with:
► Handy teacher reference page
► any Frayer model vocabulary cards
► Printable items for Teacher Input and Student Output
► and Photos in the Online Photo Gallery for easy reference.

Each standard is addressed at least once in the interactive notebook and the Mathematical Process Standards are address throughout.

***Lessons in YELLOW are the ones that were added for the 2017-2018 school year to fully align.***


You can grab the Fifth Grade Interactive Notebook today and get right on with using it in your classroom! You save 20% by purchasing the bundle over buying each unit separately!

Looking for individual units instead? Check them out here for easy access.


→ Click here to visit my teaching blog, 
Smith Curriculum and Consulting

→ Did you know that you can get CREDITS for future purchase by leaving feedback on each of your purchases? Simply navigate to the My Purchases page and next to each download you will be able to leave a star rating and comments about the activities you have purchased. I truly value your feedback and consider each and every word left. 

→ Please email me here with any questions or comments.


Personal Copyright: The purchase of this product allows you to use these activities in your personal classroom for your students. You may continue to use them each year but you may not share the activities with other teachers unless additional licenses are purchased. The license for this purchase is NON-TRANSFERABLE. Site and District Licenses are also available.

4mulaFun®Flippables™ and Solve and Snip™ are trademarks of Smith Curriculum and Consulting (formerly FormulaFun Inc. dba 4mulaFun), and are registered in the United States and abroad. The trademarks and names of other companies and products mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. Copyright © Smith Curriculum and Consulting, Inc. All rights reserved.

DISCLAIMER: With the purchase of this file you understand that this file is not editable in any way. You will not be able to manipulate the lessons and/or activities inside to change numbers and/or words.

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Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Addition Task Cards- Grades 1st- 2nd

 Addition Task Cards

This 40  task card set will help students practice 2-Digit by 1-Digit Addition.
Each task card comes with a matching answer card so students can check their own 
work or work with a partner!
These task cards are printer-friendly.  Laminate for years of use by both individual students
and in small-group settings.

Want more products like this?  Want to save money?  Purchase the Adding and Subtracting
BUNDLE set , and save $2.00!

 Addition/ Subtraction BUNDLE!

Click on the images above to be directed to my store for purchase or to check out what 
other items are available!
Kris McWilliams
Mistakes Allow Thinking to Happen

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FREE MATH LESSON - “Greater/Less Number Game”

by First Grade Fanatics
Kindergarten - 2nd Grade

This number game would be great for a math center!

You can find out more about it in the blogpost below:

Included in this pack:

*2 game boards (two varieties for each)
*1-120 number cards

Directions: Two varieties of game boards are provided. Game can be printed double sided so the players can decide if they want to focus on who has more or who has less. This is a two-player game.  Each pair will need one game board and 20-30 number cards.   The players split the cards evenly and place their cards face down in the labeled box. Each player flips over a card and whoever has the number that is greater or less (depending on which game they’re playing) gets to keep both cards. The game continues until all cards have been flipped over. Whoever has the most cards at the end of the game is the winner!

Thanks so much for stopping by our store!

You can check out more about this game here:
Greater/Less Number Game

For more ideas and freebies, make sure to check out our blog at:
First Grade Fanatics

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Tuesday, August 27, 2019

FREE MISC. LESSON - “FREE Editable Newsletter”

by Josie's Place
Pre-Kindergarten - 7th Grade

Please enjoy this FREE Sample Newsletter for September.
There is a full color and black and white version for you.
Just type and print or send out electronically!

You can view the full product here:

Your feedback is TRULY appreciated =)

You might be interested in taking a look at my entire EDITABLE Collection:




Back To School EDITABLE Class Pack (labels, desk plates, word walls and more!)

Monthly EDITABLE Newsletters

Class Job Posters EDITABLE

EDITABLE Class Signs

EDITABLE Birthday Extravaganza

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Go to for even more free products!

Monday, August 26, 2019

My Favourite ELL Resources for Back to School

As I am looking forward to a new school year in my new school, I have already started planning and creating new resources. Since I have my classroom now and I can finally make the big decisions about the teaching materials I would love to use, I am all excited to be able to say good-bye to textbooks and use what I believe best responds to my learners' needs. If you are looking for some engaging and valuable resources for your textbook-less ESL class or you wish to supplement your own materials, here is a list of my favourite teaching resources that I have successfully used for years. These student-tested teaching materials along with some of my new creations are now available in bundled options in my Teachers Pay Teachers store so you can access them in one place. 



1. Persuasive/opinion text guided writing resource  (with mentor texts and differentiated activities)

My most cherished resource, which I have improved several times over the years, is my Opinion Text Writing workbook. This differentiated resource has been extremely useful to my learners, especially to struggling writers. The included mentor texts and guided writing practice have helped my learners improve their writing skills beyond expectations. You may find this item in Bundle C along with the self-assessment forms, ESL evaluation grids and annotating and reading strategies handout. 

2. Close reading: annotating and reading strategies handout
If you love teaching reading strategies as I do or you would like to improve your learners' reading skills, thus, understanding of texts, my annotating and reading strategies handout may also be useful in your ESL or ELA class. You may find this resource in Bundles C and D.

3. Thematic unit with a touch of growth mindset

Bundle A also includes a time-saving complete unit on taking risks. I teach high school ESL, so I always look for topics my learners are able to relate to. I enjoy starting the school year with this unit because I want to show my students that taking risks is something they should not be afraid of. In addition, I also want them to know that taking calculated risks and stepping out of their comfort zone are actions that will keep them moving forward not only in English class, but in life, too. 

4. Growth mindset posters and schedule/routine labels

Bundles A and B contain my recent watercolour classroom decor set including growth mindset posters, matching schedule/routine and teacher toolbox labels. If you would like to have a minimalist, but elegant classroom organization tool for your secondary ESL classroom, this watercolour set is your go-to resource. If you are not into watercolour classroom sets, Bundles D and E contain a different classroom set I also enjoyed creating. If you prefer having floral-themed growth mindset posters and matching schedule/routine labels in your class, you can opt for either Bundle D or E. 

5. Useful ESL posters - ESL competencies, student interaction, genre posters, spatial prepositions
I also love to have posters showing the ESL competencies in my classroom as I refer to them regularly. My collection of useful posters for the ESL class will nicely blend in with the purple watercolour classroom posters and labels. These practical ESL posters may be used as quick study guides, for example, when teaching the feature article. If you teach enriched ESL students in Quebec, a feature article poster should be a must-have item in your class. I have also created a couple of genre posters for my ESL class because we ask our learners to write journals, have them write or read biographies, essays, poetry or science fiction short stories and novels, yet, we spend little time on analysis and genre features. Rather, we expect our students to transfer knowledge from their L1, so we can focus more on content and language than in-depth structural analysis. These posters can help students refresh their memory of the main characteristics of different genres seen in their L1 literature classes. I believe that understanding the features of different text types not only helps learners to make more valuable self-to-text, text-to-text and text-to-world connections, but it also makes them better writers. So, I think that genre posters might come in handy in any ESL class. These posters are available in Bundles A, B and E.

6. ESL Evaluation grids

Another essential tool all ESL teachers should have is a set of print & go evaluation grids for all competencies. It has taken me years to perfect my assessment grids that also align with the ESL curricular requirements in Quebec. When I was a first-year teacher, my assessment rubrics were very detailed and made grading a burden. I wanted to be very thorough, but I soon realized that what I was doing was counterproductive. So, I have come up with more user-friendly rubrics that definitely make grading quicker and easier. Even though I know my assessment grids by heart now, I always give a copy to my students so they know what my expectations are and how I will evaluate their performance. For instance, at the beginning of the year, I hand out three essential assessment grids that my students need to keep in their binders: oral interaction (speaking skills), general rubric for reinvestment of understanding (reading skills) and writing. When grading their journals, written productions or written responses to texts, I use only a small quick scoring rubric stapled in learners' notebook, and invite them to have a look at the more detailed assessment grid in their binder to check what they did well and what still needs improvement based on the scoring rubric. You will find these evaluation grids (Quick scoring rubrics are already included.) in Bundles B, C, D and E. 

7. Self-assessment forms
I also like to hold my students accountable for their learning, so that is why I use self-assessment forms that my students need to complete after each class, group work, oral interaction and end of the term. These self-assessment forms are available in Bundle C, and you may use them on a daily, weekly or monthly basis or when your students complete a group assignment or interact orally. 

8. Thematic conversation task cards

Since oral interaction is at the heart of ESL, my collection of thematic task cards will certainly make your students talk. You can use them as speaking or writing prompts. All these conversation prompts are student tested and student approved. :) 

9. Back to school Student Information Handout
I have become tired of plain student survey forms, so I have come up with a student information handout that is more fun to complete. 

Look for "THE ESL TEACHER'S BACK-TO-SCHOOL KIT" bundles in my Teachers Pay Teachers store so you can save up to 30% on my favourite resources for back to school. Of course, you may also download all bundled items separately.

Let me know about your favourite resources in my Teachers Pay Teachers store, so I could make them available in a bundled format for back to school.  To visit my store, click here: Versatile Teacher Toolkit ESL and ELA Resources
Happy teaching!

Kynga C. 

You may also find these other bundled resources useful:                                                                                                                                                               

Thank you for stopping by TpT store! 


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