By: Leigh Sanna @ Kinder Actividades
With the Common Core in full effect in Kindergarten, I had to find an easier and more efficient way of posting my math "I can" statements for each lesson...sometimes there are multiple! I turned the CCSS into kid-friendly "I can" statements that can be printed out one time, laminated, and either attached to the board with velcro, in a clear laminated pocket, or with magnets. I use velcro!
After I put in the initial time cutting, laminating, and attaching to velcro, this packet saved SO much time writing out I can statements daily. Quick, easy, organized, and impressive.
Teachers, students and administrators know exactly what your class is working on in math for the day!
This board above stays permanently on my bulletin board.
These "I can" strips get swapped out daily!
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This is a fantastic idea! So proactive and positive (and totally cute)! There has been so much talk recently about how great we teachers are about talking up 'What good readers do' etc (guilty) but not enough talk about the positives in math. Great product.