Monday, December 14, 2015

FREE SCIENCE LESSON - “Magnet Center and Mazes”

by Debbie Bryant
1st - 4th Grade

FREE - Kids love magnets! This is a quick and easy science center activity. I copy the first two pages on the front and back of a piece of tagboard and then laminate it to last a long time.

You will need some magnets and some small objects that are attracted to magnets and some that are not. The kids can observe and test the "attraction," then go further to see if they can affect the attraction with wood, paper, plastic or cloth. Then they can record their findings - just like a real scientist!

For the "mazes," you will need some stiff cardboard pieces, the same size as a piece of paper. Copy the maze onto regular copy paper, have the kids cut out their mouse or car, then pin a paper clip onto it. Place the maze on top of the cardboard and put the paper clipped piece on START. Then put a magnet under the cardboard and the kids can "pull" their piece around the maze to the end. Try it - you'll have fun, too! I let the kids make their own mazes and then share with each other. They really enjoyed it!

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