Sunday, October 29, 2017

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “Story Elements Book Analysis (FREE)”

by Jessica Osborne
3rd - 7th Grade

Story Elements Book Analysis Chart- Use this free story elements book analysis chart any time on any book (independent reading, class novel, or picture book.) 

**NOTE! This entire product is a part of my STORY ELEMENTS UNIT which includes notes, games, quizzes, projects and assignments on the story elements!

1. Detailed teacher directions with a list of suggested picture books for analysis.
2. Blank student chart with two columns. Each row analyzes different parts of the story from the characters and setting to the conflict resolution and theme. (This chart can be copied front and back to allow for analysis on four books per sheet of paper.) 
3. Chart with one column filled in on the story of Cinderella as an example

1. Supply a large selection of children’s picture books at the front of the classroom. Allow partners to work together to read four of the books and fill out the chart on each one. 

2. Allow the children to complete one column on their class novel (with or without a partner.) Then have them complete the second column on their independent reading book.

3. Have them complete both columns on independent reading books as they finish them. You can continue to use this chart all year long, having them turn a copy in after every two books they read (or four if you copy it front and back.)

4. If you wish for them to only complete one column rather than two, you may print the example with the Cinderella notes for the students. Then they will have an example directly next to their own writing

Take a look at these other products from my STORY ELEMENTS UNIT:

-Story Elements Basics: Notes, Review Games, Quizzes
-Plot Diagram Assignment
-Story Elements Project: Book Advertisement
-Plot Project: Write Your Own Children's Book


© 2015 Jessica Osborne. All rights reserved.
By copyright law, the purchase of this product entitles one teacher the use of the digital and printed files for a single classroom. Files are not to be shared or published (including being displayed on a website) in any way without direct permission from the author:

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