Friday, January 15, 2016

 Chinese New Year - Inspired by the Year of the Monkey - Biomimicry

By Sparking Children's Thinkibility

Grades: Kindergarten -5th Biology, Problem Solving, The New Year

Kung Hei Fat Choy means Happy New Year!
Fun and engaging activities to encourage children to look at monkey and monkey face orchids in a new and exciting way. Add some festive spirit by being inspired by nature.
The Chinese calendar is based on the lunar year, so the date of Chinese New Year changes every year. The date depends on phases of the moon and Chinese New Year is celebrated in either January or February.
In 2016, Chinese New Year will begin on 9th February, and we will be welcoming in the Year of the Monkey.
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Biomimicry is an exciting way to inspire young children to be creative, curious and to observe the world. The projects are intended to inspire a playful and creative approach towards problem solving.

Children come to understand how animals and plants can be used as a platform upon which ideas and inventions can be developed. Biomimicry bridges the boundaries traditionally found in education and provides young children with an opportunity to mix art, literature and science with an innovative approach.

This topic also provides an opportunity to bring the learning outdoors – observing, listening and smelling are vital factors to build a foundation upon which ideas inspired by nature can be explored.
Inspired by the monkey face orchids that grow in South America we made some Chinese boxes. Chinese boxes are a set of boxes, each fitting inside the next larger box.
Our gift for the Chinese New Year party was boxes filled with seeds – Monkey Face Orchid Seeds and some other interesting seeds. Some monkey face orchids have tails and some look at bit furry.
This package contains: 
  1. About Chinese New Year 
  2.  Which animal are you? 
  3.  Acrostic Biomimicry Poem 
  4.  Describe a monkey 
  5. Love Monkeys because. . . 
  6. What if I was a monkey?
  7. Make a mask inspired by monkeys and apes 
  8. Fun and mischievous monkeys - design a playhouse or. . .
  9.  Proboscis monkey - big nose fun - a burglar alarm 
  10. Monkey face orchids 
  11. Monkey face orchid gallery 
  12. Imagination monkey face orchid - protection machine 
  13.  Dress up for a party 
  14. Chinese Box - Monkey Face Orchid.

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