by StudentSavvy
4th - 7th Grade
This creative Color, Cut, & Cram™ resource on the Stone Age and Early Humans is a simple, yet effective way for students to study a specific topic! Also includes crossword and word search activities. Students create a mini-book that they can place on a keychain clip to their backpack or lanyard!
It is the perfect tool for learning and memorizing important concepts! It is also great for extended learning and early finishers. Students simply cut, color, and cram!
This resource includes 10 mini pages!
Mini book include:
Cover page
Ancient Tools Word Search (awl, antler, animal bones, dolmen, cave painting, ivory needle, wooden spear, fire, axe, harpoon)
Crossword Puzzle
Paleolithic Period
Mesolithic Period
Neolithic Period
Lucy - Donald Johanson Hadar, Ethiopia
Turkana Boy - Richard Leakey
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