Friday, July 21, 2023

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “FREE Dolch Sight Word Ice Cream Review Record Cutout Activity (Pre-Primer)”

by Little Me Reading
Pre-Kindergarten - 1st Grade

About this resource:

This set includes all 40 pre-primer words on the Dolch Sight Word List. Students cut add each new ice cream sight word scoop to the wall as they learn it. Review them daily! This activity will help them consolidate the sight words and improve their fine motor skills.

*This set comes in color and black & white versions.*

***If you like this set, you may also like our other sight word resources:***

Dolch Sight Word Ice Cream Review Record Cutout Activity (Primer)

Dolch Sight Word Ice Cream Review Record Cutout Activity (1st Grade)

Dolch Sight Word Ice Cream Review Record Cutout Activity (2nd Grade)

Dolch Sight Word Ice Cream Review Record Cutout Activity (3rd Grade)

Dolch Sight Word Ice Cream Review Record Cutout Activity (VALUE BUNDLE)

Dolch Sight Word Worksheet No-PREP Packet (VALUE BUNDLE)

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