Friday, July 14, 2023

FREE MISC. LESSON - “Esperanza Novel Bookmarks”

by SpanishPlans
6th - 12th Grade

If you are reading the TPRStorytelling Novel, Esperanza, or studying about Guatemala, you are going to love these bookmarks.

1 bookmark (back to back): Esperanza title and it's translation on one side and a map of where the events take place in the book on the other side.

1 bookmark (back to back): with essential vocabulary words in chapters 1-6 with pictures on one side and vocabulary words for chapters 6-10 translated into English on the other side.

1 bookmark: Guatemala information. Includes background information about this central american country such as its capital, population, size, borders, and currency.

1 bookmark: The official bird of Guatemala: the quetzal
1 bookmark: The official currency of Guatemala: the quetzal (1 quetzal bill)
These two can be printed back to back.

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