by Mrs Magee
Kindergarten - 2nd Grade
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***2018 NOTE: PLEASE download the FREE August Calendar math file FIRST to see if it will work with your version of SmartNotebook software.
**The yearly dates are editable. Directions are included. There is no need to re-download or purchase this again yearly.
If you want a full preview, download this FREE month. (Please note that preview images may reflect old dates but this can be easily changed following the directions included!)
Please note that this calendar math was created in SmartNotebook software for use with a SmartBoard. SmartBoards are created by Smart Technologies and all SmartBoard files are not compatible with all types of interactive whiteboards. THIS IS NOT FOR A MIMIO, STARBOARD, OR ANY OTHER TYPE OF INTERACTIVE BOARD.
THIS IS A .notebook file and MUST be opened with SmartNotebook software.
I do calendar math every morning on my SmartBoard. I cover many skills in a short amount of time daily. Students need repetition and this is an engaging way to review important skills.
Here is a list of what is included in the ZIP file:
- An Instructional PDF that includes directions and answers to frequently asked questions.
- SmartBoard Calendar file that includes the following pages:
- 1. Morning Message - I added a slide with handwriting lines at the beginning of my calendar math so I can add a morning message to my students.
- 2. August Song - This slide includes a fun song that teaches students to spell the name of the month. I can't remember where I found the songs to spell the months of the year. I think they are floating around the Internet in many places.
- 3. August Calendar - Students add the number for the date daily.
- 4. Days of the Week, Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow - Students add the day of the week, month, date, and year for yesterday, today, and tomorrow as well as write the date with just numbers. You can have the students write with the SmartBoard pen or have them drag down the numbers to make the date.
- 5. Days in School - We keep track of how many days we have been in school. Students tap on the gray boxes in order and the number is revealed.
- 6. Building Numbers - Students build that number of days in school using place value blocks. We also decide if the number is even or odd.
- 7. Odd and Even songs - (again, not sure where these originally came from)
- 8. Odd and Even chants and blocks - students add a block each day so they can see how even numbers have a partner and odd ones do not.
- 9. Pattern of the Day - Tell students the pattern to make (AB, ABC, etc.). They use the images to make a pattern.
- 10. Telling time - students write the digital and analog times they are told. We start off with time to the hour, then half hour, and later we go over elapsed time.
- 11. Weather graph - we tap a gray box to mark our weather for the day.
- 12. Skip Counting - Students roll the dice. It tells us how to count (by 2's, 5's, 10's) and we count.
- 13. Comparing Numbers - Write two random numbers. They decide if the number is greater than, less than, or equal to the other number and choose the correct symbol and circle the correct phrase. If you tap the alligator, you might get a surprise! :)
- 14. Fact Families - I give the students 3 numbers and they write the addition and subtraction sentences for the fact family.
- 15. Add it Up - Students roll the two dice and add the numbers together.
- 16. Money - We use the number of how many days we've been in school and create that number using coins. We write the money amount with a cent symbol and a dollar sign.
- 17. Money Poems - Students tap beside a coin and the money poem appears.
- 18. Quarter Song - We practice counting by 25's by singing this song.
- 19. Super Problem - I write a "big" math problem for the students. We add numbers in the hundreds, thousands, even millions! We talk about how to add one column at a time.
- 20. Birthday Graph - Each student adds a present to their birth month on their birthday. If you used one of my previous calendar math files you'll want to add the birthday graph from that month's calendar into this month's. Directions included in the instructional PDF.
- 21. Tooth Graph - Students add a tooth when they lose one to the correct month. To add last month's tooth calendar to this month's follow the steps in the PD
That's a lot of things to cover! I do not start the year doing every page but have included everything so you could try it for yourself. I typically introduce a new skill a few weeks before I actually teach it during math time. Pages can be skipped or removed when students reach mastery. It takes me about 30 minutes to do calendar math every morning. The students LOVE this time of day!
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