Need help teaching decimals? I have multiple products to cover this skill. One of my most popular is the Multiplying Decimals lesson. This lesson may be purchased in power point (
or active software ( This lesson demonstrates how to complete multiply and allows for ample student practice problems.
or active software ( This lesson demonstrates how to complete multiply and allows for ample student practice problems.
I've also made lessons with challenging word problems using decimals.
Once again, you may purchase this product in a power point format (
or in an active software flipchart for your Promethean Board. (
Just this week, I revised another product that allows for students to practice multiplying decimals. It now uses a cute font and includes clip art. Check it out.
Like all my products, I offer the lesson in power point (
and for the Promethean Board (
My store is packed with math lessons! I also have power points/active software lessons to teach how to compare decimals, add, subtract, and divide them, too. Gifted and Talented Materials by Joyce Lansky contains nineteen products about decimals. Please stop by and searchy
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