Thursday, May 23, 2019

FREE MISC. LESSON - “Free Downloads Booyah Badges!”

by Alferi
Pre-Kindergarten - 6th Grade

This is a free sample of my Booyah Badges! 
You can find my BOOYAH Badges in my store. 



“Booyah” badges are unique and a fun way to get your kiddos 
motivated. Here are some ways to use the badges in your classroom.
First, explain to your kiddos that BOOYAH is said just the way it is spelled.
BOO-YAH Then explain to them that it is used to express joy! 
I got an A! “Booyah!”
1. Students can keep their badges in an envelope. There is 1 envelope label in this freebie product. ( 3 labels in the paid product: 1 with 2 boys, 1 with 2 girls, and 1 with 2 owls ) 

2. Your kiddos can paste their badges in a notebook. Under each badge, students can write a sentence telling about why they received the badge. These are great for open house to show the parents. Students can also take their notebook home after the first 6- 9 weeks to show their parents. There is a notebook label in this product or your kiddos can make one on their own. ( a different one in paid product)

3. Each time a student gets a Booyah Badge, the student must say “Booyah!” This really makes it fun and entertaining! 

4. Surprise a student or students with a Booyah Badge by placing it on their desk in the morning before they come into class. 

5. A very special way to give a student a Booyah Badge is to mail it home with a positive note saying why the student received it. 
(This especially works if you have a few in your class who have some behavior problems. Kids love to get mail and this would be a great motivator for helping improve those behavior problems.)

6. When awarded a badge, students can choose their own badge. Maybe keep them displayed in the room in an organizer with a plastic cover or put them on a bulletin board so the kids can see them. 
(BOOYAH Bulletin board letters in paid product)
I hope your kiddos enjoy these! Thanks so much for downloading! I will be making more of these for seasons and holidays. 
Kimberly Sullivan

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