Sunday, July 29, 2018

FREE MISC. LESSON - “The Superpowers of PowerPoint {Session TW02 & TT02}”

by Michelle Oakes
Pre-Kindergarten - 12th Grade

Thank you for downloading our presentation handout for "The Superpowers of PowerPoint" {Session TW02 & TT02} on July 13th and 14th 2016 in Orlando! If you are attending our hands-on session this summer, we can’t wait to meet you! 

PowerPoint is the easiest way to get the best looking products. 
During our session, we hope to help you learn how to:
*create a template for your presentations
*create a cover that pops and pulls in buyers
*make the most of your fonts
*how to insert graphics and some features you can use to make your graphics look great.
*how to save your presentation as a PDF securely, as well as how to make your presentation into JPEGs for use with previews of your products. 

We encourage you to print this handout and bring it to our session so that you can make notes and get the most out of our presentation.
You will also need to click Mel of Graphics From the Pond. 

Rachelle, Hope and I are super excited to be presenting together and cannot wait to meet everyone in Orlando! 

If you are a seller and have not yet signed up to attend the conference, you still have time to sign up! Click HERE to register!

Join The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative at
and get THOUSANDS OF PAGE VIEWS for your TpT products!

Go to for even more free products!

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