by Lefty Lessons
5th - 12th Grade
Looking for a fun and creative way for students to learn about the countries of the world? Organize a Multicultural Fair!
This booklet outlines everything you need to guide students in their independent study of countries around the world. Each student is assigned a country and researches the following information to be compiled into a report:
1. Geography
2. History/Government
3. Culture/Traditions
4. Education System
5. Language
6. Current Events
Students then create a tri-board outlining the information that they researched to be presented at the Multicultural Fair. Students can also bring in an item, food, or article of clothing that is related to their country.
Invite parents to the fair for a fun night of culture and learning!
Booklet includes:
General information sheet and outline of due dates
Guidelines and focus questions for each section of the report
Guidelines for report format
Sample report format
Guidelines for tri-board display
Rubrics for both the report and the tri-board
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