by Tessa Maguire
1st - 4th Grade
Give students the opportunity to help create your classroom environment and build class community by decorating their own name tag desk plates. Just edit the student names, and print! A sample has been done for you. Longer names automatically resize for your convenience.
This product is provided in a Powerpoint (.pptx) file. You must have software that will open and use this type of file.
This product was designed to be used on a regular sized piece of paper or card stock. The file can be modified to be printed on larger paper.
Complete directions are included to allow for color and font matching.
For more information on how I use this, check out my blog post here
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Copyright © Tessa Maguire.
Purchase is for single classroom use only. Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product with colleagues.
You may not redistribute, edit, sell, or otherwise post this product on the internet. You may, however, post a link for others to purchase themselves.
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