by Connie
6th - 12th Grade
Because it is important for a school newspaper to cover all of the clubs and activities a middle or high school offers, this FREE Beat Sheet presents a succinct way for journalism students to find story ideas they can develop. Sometimes the info is quite brief, i.e. an announcement of up-coming events, so it is summarized in a column set aside for that purpose. Other times, the information sparks ideas for a news or feature piece. The Beat Sheet is an excellent way for newspaper staffs to find ideas and to plan for the next issue. Also, it offers first year students a chance to write for the paper, insuring their desire to remain a part of the journalism scene throughout their high school careers.
As always, this activity- PDF version- may be downloaded and printed for classroom use. Also, an Easel Activity is ready to be used for Google Classroom. Teachers may choose to add an interactive layer of their own for digital use by clicking on the red "Open in Easel" rectangle on the product's page.
For other journalism activities, check out
Journalism Whole Course Year Overview and Lesson Ideas
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