Friday, June 12, 2020

FREE MISC. LESSON - “Bible Study for preteens - Nehemiah”

by Kathy Hutto
3rd - 8th Grade

Dear Parent or Teacher,
This study has been on my heart for a long time. God first led me to this book of the Bible about a year ago. Since then, I've studied it on my own, read through it with my children, completed a women's Bible Study on Nehemiah (A Heart that Can Break by Kelly Minter), and have poured back over the contents of this book as I've written this study. My prayer is that this study will be used of the Lord in ways I can't even ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20) for His glory.
The purpose of the Bible Studies for Preteens series is to get kids into the Word. Often, kids this age read devotions or listen to youth leaders speak, but don't take time to read Scripture for themselves. As parents, we have a great opportunity to fill our children's days with good things. Truly there could be no greater thing than pouring over God's Word and realizing it is active and speaks directly to each person.
The other day, we drove my friend's daughter to her soccer game. All told, we spend 2 1/2 hours either driving to, sitting at, or riding home from the game. I'm sure there are other games or practices throughout the week. While these are good things with many benefits, I wondered how many of our children spend anywhere near that time on the really good, eternal things of God.
With so many adult Bible Studies, I thought it high time we had more Bible Study choices for our kids!
BTW...I may record some free video sessions to go along with this study, so be sure to visit my blog ( and follow, so you will be informed of all upcoming events.
For His glory,
Kathy :)
Product Description:
Bible Studies for Preteens are great first in-depth Bible Studies for this age-group. They take the readers through a portion of the Bible, leaving them with a feeling of success and training them in how to study their own Bibles. The reading passages are divided into manageable and content appropriate chunks. Each Bible study includes Word Checks with definitions, where appropriate, to aid in understanding. Each study also includes relevant and thoughtful questions throughout. In addition, short answer verses long writing assignments make this study fun and not overwhelming.
This particular Bible Study is on Nehemiah. Among other things, your son or daughter will discover he cared about others, prayer first before acting, obeyed God, was a good leader, and was determined and didn't quit.
Your son or daughter will use his/her own Bible to read the passages.
It takes just 15 days to complete this Bible Study.
This study includes a Prayer Journal at the end. For every day of the study, there is a corresponding prayer journal page with related activities.
About the author:
Kathy Hutto is a degreed elementary teacher with over 20 years of teaching experience including traditional school, Christian school, and homeschooling. She has written over a hundred and forty curricula-type products for kids and parents. She has served on committees for writing family devotions and missions curricula. In addition, she currently serves as the Preschool Ministry Coordinator for her Baptist church in Georgia.

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