Distance Learning Figurative Language Frenzy
Who likes figurative language? Everybody does! (That's hyperbole.) The great thing about it is you can say something is something it's not and get away with it (using a metaphor)! When you're at a loss for words, just use "like" or "as" to try to explain what you mean (with a simile). You can make words out of sounds like a teacher's favorite "shhhhhh" (that's onomatopoeia). Plus, listen to just about any song and you'll hear figurative language because that's how awesome it is!
· personification: attributing human traits and qualities to something not human, such as an animal. I don’t think Disney could exist without this!
· simile: a comparison that uses “like” or “as” such as “I’m as hangry as a bear.”
· metaphor: something is said to be something else or do something else in order to suggest a similarity between them. Like, “You are such an angel!”
· idiom: a commonly used phrase that isn’t meant to be taken literally because then it would make no sense! For example, “He kicked the bucket” has nothing to do with kicking a bucket. These are troublesome when you’re learning a language.
· hyperbole: The use of exaggeration for emphasis or to create a strong impression
· onomatopoeia: The formation of a word by imitation of a sound made by an object, person, or animal like “woof, woof.”
· dramatic irony: This is a little different than the term “irony” we throw around in everyday life. Dramatic irony is when the audience knows something the characters don’t know which makes some glaring point and almost makes you wish you could talk to the characters to help them out! Like if a character says, “This is going to be the best day of my life” but we know he’s about to get robbed.
· repetition: Quite simply, repetition is the repeating of a word or phrase. It is a common rhetorical device used to add emphasis and stress in writing and speech.
· alliteration: the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words. For example, the ice cream “Cocoa Mocha Macaroni”
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I know it looks a lot like the ad for this blog post. I just love these papers and elements I purchased from Theresa Hernandez, and I can't stop using them!
7. Alliteration Fun: Have you heard of Jack Prelutsky's poem "Bleezer's Ice Cream"? I just found it today and it's not only a funny list of ice cream flavors, but it is also full of alliteration. Check it out: https://poets.org/poem/bleezers-ice-cream
8. Which Simile Symbolizes Me?: Here's ANOTHER FREE lesson I wrote, and this time it has to do with writing. It gets students to write similes about themselves and then do a related mandala art activity. It is perfect for the end of the year. It is available in Google Slides or PDF. You should check it out:
Here's a sample more close up, and you can see more at my other blog post here: https://lovingela.blogspot.com/2017/06/writing-language-idea-1-similes-symbols.html
9. Bragging and Boasting Using Similes and Hyperbole Writing Activity: And finally, if you're still reading, thank you for hanging in there! I give you yet again another FREE writing lesson that has always proven to motivate the most reluctant of writers and bring joy to the classroom (or home with Google Slides). It leads them step-by-step in writing about something they are okay at and making it sound like they are the best ever at it:
10. TWO MORE FREE READING LESSONS: Wow, I amaze myself that I give away so much for free, and it's really good stuff. These are for students to read "There Will Come Soft Rains" and "All Summer in a Day" by Ray Bradbury which are both packed with figurative language:
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