Friday, June 5, 2020

FREE MATH LESSON - “Multiplication Madness: Square Puzzles for Basic Fact Practice (9’s Times Table)”

by Chalkboard Creations
3rd - 5th Grade

***Note: This resource is perfect for creating Distance Learning opportunities for your students. #DistanceLearningTpT

This is a fun and simple game puzzle. Simply print and cut out the pieces. Students will have to use their basic fact knowledge of the nines multiplication tables to put the puzzle back together again. This fun game can be played over and over again and would be great for early finishers or for a math center!
This nines puzzle is FREE! For the remaining puzzles for the 2 through 12 times tables (11 puzzles in all) you can purchase them at:
Puzzles for the basic division facts are also available:
OR you can SAVE money by purchasing the Multiplication and and Division Puzzles together in a bundle:
OR if you teach 4th grade you could SAVE money by purchasing a large bundle that included both the multiplication and division puzzles:
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