Teach BeTween the Lines
Grades 3-8
Teach your students how to create complex sentences with AAAWWUBBIS Introductory Phrases! This Lesson will provide your students with explicit explanations using mentor sentences, a fun stations activity, a fun game, practice, application activities, a potential summative assessment, and a beautiful classroom poster!
The lesson consists of 42 PowerPoint/Google Slides to show your students how to craft these tricky compound/complex sentences. Mentor sentences foster classroom discussions, demonstrate quality writing, and model the correct use of introductory phrases and comma placement. Students will be able to identify, explain and apply each AAAWWUBBIS word to craft sentences.
Stations Activity gets your students up, moving, and collaborating. Students will examine mentor sentences, create and craft compound, complex sentences using each AAAWWUBBIS word/phrase.
AAAWWUBBIS Ball Toss game will have your students racing to complete introductory phrase challenges, creating complete engagement through the practice of sentence creation! My students beg to play this game anytime we have a few extra minutes!
Practice Word Document/Google Document will allow your students to practice crafting introductory phrase examples.
Finding Examples Activity will have your students searching for their own mentor sentences with their reading. Students can then work with you to create a bulletin board of compound sentence examples.
3 Beautifully designed classroom anchor charts/ posters for your room!
CCSS Aligned
No Prep Plans
42 Slides, 71 Pages
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