Tuesday, February 21, 2017

In-Text Citation Lesson, Practice, and Assessment, MLA 8th Edition

Teach BeTween the Lines
Grades 6-12

The MLA 8th edition lesson on incorporating textual evidence (quotations with parenthetical citations) will help your students learn:

-How to create an in-text citation with and without an author's name.

-How to lead into or out of a quote with the student's own words. 

-How to pepper a quote.

-How to delete parts of the quote to seamlessly incorporate the evidence into the student's paragraph.

-How to incorporate the title and/or author in signal phrases prior to a quotation.

-Block style quotations.

-How to cite dialogue

-Examples from quality literature for each type of citation. 

-Text Evidence Trouble-Shooting Guide teaches students to fix common mistakes such as orphaned quotes, transition phrases, summarizing instead of analyzing, and big, chunky quotes. Support and examples are provided through this document, and the lesson activity that accompanies it. 

-5 Days of Bell Ringer Practice Activities

-Three practice documents (Google Doc, PDF, and Word document) using examples from literature. (Could be used as a quick quiz)

Summative Assessment: 
Students are given three passages, one fiction and two non-fiction texts- with relating themes (social justice). They are asked to close read, then respond to the given prompt using evidence from two of the three sources. They are supported in doing so with detailed graphic organizers, and asked to seamlessly incorporate text evidence for the assessment.

Update on 2/13/2017- Improvements include:
-Updated graphics on the teacher slides
-Discussion slides added to create a deeper understanding with the in-text trouble shooting guide
-Complete digital (and printable) interactive notebook for students. This is over 50 pages in length and will take students through the entire unit in one document for easy link and go- or print and go- teaching! 
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