Sunday, March 13, 2016

FREE MISC. LESSON - “Making Time for Art”

by Renee Goularte Share2Learn
Kindergarten - 6th Grade

Yes, there IS time for art! 
Encourage creativity and artist behavior in your classroom.

Art can be included in most classroom schedules with a minimum of “extra” time taken away from other subjects. Integrating art with other subjects is one way; another way is to take a good look at some of the things we do in the classroom where art could easily be substituted.

This FREE resource is full of ideas and suggestions for making time for art.

What’s Inside:

- How to be “art-friendly” and foster creativity
- Ideas for making more time and space for art
- List of materials and supplies to include in an art supply center
- Ideas for displaying art in the classroom
- Thoughts on treating students like artists
- Suggestions for integrating art across the curriculum

Use the companion "Artist Behavior Mini-Posters" to help students learn that artists observe constantly and think and make choices throughout their creating process.

Get the free mini-posters here:
Be An Artist - Artist Behavior Posters
Visit my blog, Creating Art With Kids, for detailed descriptions and helpful tips about the process of teaching many of my art lessons.
Art lessons to start with:

Start With Art -- perfect for back-to-school
Four Quick Art Lessons -- another good starting point
Art Task Cards -- for early finishers or art centers 

Creating Art With Kids lessons are designed to focus primarily on the creative process. They are intended to be open-ended enough to encourage student creativity and detailed enough to give teachers clear direction. 

Visit my blog, Creating Art With Kids, for detailed descriptions and helpful tips about the teaching process for many of my art lessons.

Like Creating Art With Kids on Facebook for inspiration and ideas for making time for art in the classroom.
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