Friday, January 26, 2024

FREE MATH LESSON - “FREE ! Adding Doubles Fun with Cats and Dogs Theme Task Cards”

by Learning Harbor Resources for Teachers
Kindergarten - 2nd Grade

Developing fluency with adding doubles strengthens mental math skills. Students will love math addition doubles with these clip style task cards. Students choose the answer and clip a clothes pin to it. Make these self-checking by putting a sticker on the back of the card behind the correct answer. These come in color and in black and white to save you money on color ink. They look great printed on colored paper.

If you laminate the cards, students can circle their answers with wipe off markers. You can also use any small cube, buttons, counters or other tokens that you have in your classroom.

These task cards work well when used by older class buddies, student interns, student teachers, or classroom volunteers. They are great for morning tubs, early finishers, enrichment and RTI (Response to Intervention)

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