Monday, January 1, 2024

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “Writing Rubrics for the Kindergarten and First Grade Classroom”

by First in Florida
Kindergarten - 1st Grade

These rubrics are based on the Writing Continuum of the Writer's Workshop Model. They include the organizational piece & the various look-fors on the continuum have the standards attached.

This can be used as an formal formative assessment of writing during a unit or a formal summative assessment for an end of unit response to writing prompt. It can be used simply as evidence in a portfolio to demonstrate where on the continuum a student falls and progress they've made in a specific writing genre and/or for grade if the points system is used above, based on what requirements & needs you have in your particular district.

It is broken down into kindergarten (emergent writer continuum look-fors) writing rubrics and 1st semester and 2nd semester writing rubrics for 1st grade (emergent & early writer continuum look-fors included).

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