Wednesday, January 17, 2024

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “Five FREE Critical Thinking Questions for Discussion or Journal Writing”

by Scipi - Science and Math
3rd - 6th Grade

This FREE resource contains five critical thinking questions. Answers are provided for those questions which have a specific answer. For most of the questions, the answers will vary based on a student's experience or prior knowledge. Most subject areas are built-in to the various questions, and they are appropriate for grades 3-6. These are excellent writing prompts and can be easily used for writing across the curriculum. Two examples are:

  • Why do most highways have lines painted on them?

  • One evening, the snow was eight inches deep. After an hour, it stopped snowing. Andy said, “There will be drifts in the morning.” Why do you think he said this?

These FREE Think Tank Questions encourage students to utilize critical thinking skills such as inquiry, analysis and reasoning while encouraging them to gather information and assess answers based on their experience and/or prior knowledge. These questions may be used to make constructive use of short instructional minutes. They also are an excellent journal writing activity. Not only do the questions provide a short practice or a quick drill, but they motivate students since they are enjoyable, offer variety, and increase interest.

You may copy the whole page of questions; then cut them apart to distribute to your students. Depending on the grade level you teach, you might give the students just one question or as many as two or three at a time.

You may be interested in purchasing the paid resource that contains 50 critical thinking questions.

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