Sunday, October 10, 2021

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “GRATITUDE JOURNALS: Fostering Thankfulness in Students”

by The Three Square Pegs
2nd - 8th Grade

You can use the .pdf version or the digital version, whichever is best suited for your class! The digital version allows students to do their gratitude journals and letters remotely if necessary.

During the holidays comes a tendency for students to spend a lot of time thinking about what they WANT rather than thinking about what they HAVE. This free, easy, quick activity is a terrific way to help students of all ages focus on gratitude and thankfulness. It can be used by the classroom teacher or guidance counselor.

Gratitude journals have been shown to be an effective strategy ANY TIME OF THE YEAR, both at a personal level for students and as a great climate-builder for the classroom. The concept is very simple: Want to feel happier and healthier? If the answer is “Yes!” then begin writing about the people and things for which you are thankful. How easy can it get?!

Journal time can be embedded almost anywhere in the school day… during writing instruction, as a morning routine activity, as a guidance lesson, or as an end-of-the-day wrap-up activity. It only takes a few minutes and the benefits are well worth the time!

This free download provides basic templates for journaling for all grade levels, along with an easy lesson to use at the onset to explain the benefits of gratitude to your students.

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