Saturday, October 16, 2021

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “Boom Cards - Find it! Alphabet Soup - Distant Learning”

by The Primary Techie
Pre-Kindergarten - 1st Grade

These Boom cards are the perfect way to work on letter recognition! Students hear a letter and find both the capital and lowercase. This is part of a bigger set of "Find it! Alphabet" Boom Cards. Click here to see the whole growing bundle.

These are self-checking. If students submit incorrect answers, they hear "oops!" and have an opportunity to correct themselves.

Not familiar with Boom cards? Boom cards are a web-based program that allow students to interact with digital task cards on a computer or tablet. Sign up for an account with Boom Learning to track students' scores. This is perfect for distance learning, centers, and homework.

This boom deck includes 26 interactive cards.

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