by Mathy Techy
3rd - 12th Grade
Growth Mindset Interactive Posters
Perfect for promoting growth mindset in any classroom, guidance counselor office, library, hallway bulletin board or staff room! Professional quality posters come with a cover page with a famous quote that can encourage a specific characteristic. Flip the cover page up, and reveal the famous and historical person who made the quote, as well as a fantastic mini biography about that person!! Students can learn a little about a historical figure, and how part of their life has demonstrated a growth mindset characteristic.
Posters are available for print in 11 x 17 or 8.5 x 11 size! In my bulletin board sample, I used 8.5 x 11, and inserted them into sheet protectors to hang them. It worked great and was like instant lamination for protection!
In the FREE SAMPLE, you will get 1 individual poster with quote and mini-bio from:
⭐Bill Gates: "To win big, you sometimes have to take big risks."
Also included in the download, a printable set of growth mindset characteristic board titles ("Grit", "Learn from Failures", "Persevere", "I can learn new things", "Learn from the success of others", "The Power of Yet", "Learn from Criticism", "Effort leads to mastery", "I'll try another way!", "I can try something that feels risky!")
All images and fonts are verified copyright free, and sources are thoroughly referenced in each file!
Checkout the 5-pack of Growth Mindset Posters at my store:
Growth Mindset Interactive Posters (Part 1)
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LICENSING/COPYRIGHT TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use and is non-transferable. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by whole departments, schools, or districts without purchasing the proper number of licenses. If you have questions about licensing more than one copy, please email me at This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.
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