by Pirate Queen Teaching Treasures
4th - 6th Grade
Do your students grimace when they hear the word, VOCABULARY? It’s not an unusual reaction in a classroom. However, if you read to your students the fun and engaging book, Miss Alaineus by Debra Frasier, I guarantee they’ll view VOCABULARY in a different way!
This FREE and REVISED resource includes:
• Student Goals
• Common Core Standards
• Teacher Tips
• Vocabulary Four Boxes
• Prefix Mis- Word List
• Five Vocabulary Activities/Read the brief descriptions of each activity listed below.
Activity 1: WORD PARADE (Students select a favorite vocabulary word and make a costume to describe their selected word. Then the class has a parade!)
Activity 2: EXTRA CREDIT (Students will write a weekly sentence using three different, unusual words beginning with the same letter.)
Activity 3: MORE EXTRA CREDIT (Students will investigate the words that Sage uses in each of her EXTRA CREDIT sentences by completing a Four Boxes Vocabulary worksheet for each of the three special words.)
Activity 4: Misnomer! Misspelled! Misunderstood! (In groups students are asked to determine if Sage misnamed, misspelled, or misunderstood the vocabulary word, miscellaneous.)
Activity 5: “Mis-“ Words & Art (Students choose a “mis-“ word, define it, and write a group of sentences in which the word is used. Then they draw a picture to illustrate their sentences.)
Activity 6: Dictionary Style Definitions (Students choose 3-5 words from the main character’s vocabulary list to write dictionary-like definitions. They also use the words in sentences and draw illustrations of the words.
Activity 7: Using Context Clues: Students select a word to define using context clues found in the book, Miss Alaineus. They also use the word in a sentence and draw an illustration.
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