Thursday, March 9, 2023

FREE SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON - “Women’s History Month Free Lesson and Activities”

by English with Ease
Pre-Kindergarten - 12th Grade

Free Women's History Month mini lesson and activities using fun read along videos!

Instead of boring nonfiction texts or mini lessons, enjoy ten read aloud videos to introduce women's history leaders and female historical figures to elementary, middle school or high school students!

Free women's history read aloud videos:

1. This Littler Trailblazer

2. Dream Big, Little One

3. Be Bold, baby! Oprah

4. My First Maya Angelou

5. My First Frida Kahlo

6. My First Amelia Earhart

7. I Look up to…Michelle Obama

8. My First Book of Feminism (for boys)

9. Feminist Baby Finds her Voice!

10. Feminist Baby

Need Women's History classroom activities for older students?

Subscribe to the Word Rebel YouTube Channel for 100+ read along children's books and animated educator videos and to teach phonics, math and early learn skills!

Enjoy this engaging videos for a women's history month minilesson, activity or project for preschool, elementary school, middle school, or high school to help young or older students learn about female leaders.

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