by Whimsy in School Counseling
4th - 12th Grade
Across the world sunflowers symbolize bravery. This coloring page includes a question about bravery on each petal. Children, tweens, and teens can answer each question by coloring the petal either red, orange, or yellow.
This coloring page is appropriate for grades 4-12 and can be used on its own, or as part of a deeper conversation on bravery and fear.
While this sunflower does include a Ukranian proverb in the center, “Where there is courage, there is happiness," it does not mention any current events.
Social/emotional freebies to support the young folk in our lives during the War in Ukraine:
•My Sunflower Bravery Coloring Page
•When I Became A Refugee: A Trauma Informed Storybook (grades 2-12)
•My New Friend is a Refugee: A Social Story (grades K-3)
•My New Friend is a Refugee: A Social Story (grades 4-6)
•Explaining What it Means to be a Refugee (grades 7-12)
•Being a Good Friend to Someone Who is a Refugee (grades 9-12)
•Pro Tips for Parents: Answering Questions About War
•Explaining War to Older Teens (grades 9-12)
•Explaining War to Younger Teens (grades 6-8)
•Explaining War to Older Children (grades 3-5)
•Explaining War to Younger Children (grades k-2)
and get THOUSANDS OF PAGE VIEWS for your TpT products!
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