by Rainbow City Learning
3rd - 5th Grade
Here is your free poster for my new "Raise Your Hand" resource!
In the full resource, friendly Dot Dudes encourage your students to find their own special voices.This is a poster set and journal with task cards to use as a SCOOT game, or just as discussion starters or journal entries that I hope will make it easier for you to nurture those more timid students in your classroom (no matter their gender) and help them to find their own unique voices.
Raising your hand is about so much more than just using a polite and appropriate way to show that you know the answer. Raising your hand is about speaking up, speaking out, and weighing in on what is truly important.
There’s been some discussion recently about girls in particular feeling timid about speaking up and speaking out. The Girl Scouts have even created a badge for it! This got me thinking about where the courage to share your voice begins. As with so many life skills, I believe that courage is found and nurtured in our elementary classrooms every day.
I hope you will love this sample, share some positive thoughts in feedback, and will consider purchasing the full resource!
Included in the full resource:
Ten posters in both full color and grayscale
Thirty-six task cards/SCOOT cards in both full color and grayscale
Card backs for the task cards/SCOOT cards in full color and grayscale
Directions for playing “Raise Your Hand” SCOOT
“Raise Your Hand” Journal for two sided printing in both lined and unlined versions, and in both full color and grayscale
Grayscale student response pages for playing SCOOT, both with and without Dot Dudes graphics
For a blog post to accompany this resource, please click on:
Raise Your Hand RCL
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