Wednesday, March 23, 2022

FREE MATH LESSON - “Springtime FREEBIE - Build an Addition-Subtraction Flower”

by Mercedes Merrell
1st Grade

This FREEBIE spring product is designed so students can have a little fun while practicing addition and subtraction facts within 20. Students do the addition and subtraction “petals” and then, after making sure they are correct, they color, cut, and paste the petals, stem, leaves, and center to build their flowers. there are enough petals to build 4 flowers like the one on the cover, but can surely be used in different configurations to create their own. The “petals” are solved in this way: Add/subt. the number on top of the grid to/from each of the numbers on the left, and write answer on the corresponding blanks on the right. The teacher corrects them, and then students proceed to build their flowers on a piece of construction paper, along with the stem, leaves and center of flower. This activity lends itself well to math centers or whole class.
On regular paper, copy as many petals, leaves, stems, and center pages as you need for your students. The finished flowers can be displayed to show the start of Springtime on your classroom bulletin board, and can be a great display for Open House, as well! CCSS aligned: 1.OA.1
Mercedes Merrell

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