Tuesday, July 27, 2021

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “Inference Passages {read, use evidence + schema and infer} - PREVIEW!”

by Ainsley Karl
1st - 4th Grade

Passages to help students use text clues and background knowledge to make inferences

2 FREE passages from my 24 passage bundle of Inference Passages

Inference is a hard skill to master. Especially in students with reading comprehension difficulties. I created these short passages to help my students practice this skill.

Students must use the details and clues (evidence) found in the text, along with their background knowledge and prior understanding of the texts main idea (schema) to determine what the passage is about.

These passages are longer than most I have found available and I believe the extra details help my students better grasp the inference.

Students will:
‣ read the story
‣ highlight the clues / evidence
‣ answer the inference question


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