Friday, February 9, 2018

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “FREE 4 Point Kindergarten Writing Rubric - CCLS Aligned”

by The Niemans' Nook

I created this rubric for our kindergarten team. We recently changed to a standards based report card that rates students' progress towards the standards on a 1-4 scale. **Just updated with two versions: ascending and descending numbers on the rubric.

1= Below grade level expectations based on the
2= Progressing towards the standards **Most 
students fall in this range through the third
3= Met end of year grade level expectations.
4= Exceeds grade level expectations.

To be clear, according to our district a student can only score a 3 if they have currently mastered end of year expectations in writing. A score of 4 indicates above grade level mastery. This is a very different perspective than scoring a student based on what you expect them to be able to do at any given point during the year. 

I hope this is helpful!
The Niemans’ Nook

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