by Mrs Beattie's Classroom
2nd - 3rd Grade
Wondering how to start Guided Math in your classroom? This Guided Math Quick-Start guide will show you how to organize your guided math program, help you establish math groups, and give you tips about assessment! Includes FREE hands-on guided math odd and even numbers centers and a sample guided math lesson. These best-selling math resources are a must-have for your classroom!
⭐ These Guided Math resources are also available in a Year-Long Bundle!
This Launching Guided Math resource is perfect for:
✔ 2nd and 3rd-grade classrooms
✔ Teachers who are curious about how to get started with Guided Math
✔ Teachers wondering about what's included in my Guided Math resources
✔ Teachers who don't want to prep math activities daily
✔ Teachers who believe in hands-on learning
✔ Teachers who want to limit photocopying in their day
✔ Teachers willing to put preparation time into setting centers up once to have them last for years to come
These odd and even numbers guided math centers follow the M.A.T.H. acronym:
Math With Someone
At Work On My Own
Teacher's Choice/Teacher Time (sample lesson included)
Hands-On: Manipulatives
Included in this odd and even numbers centers resource are:
⭐ Math With Someone:
• Even and Odd: Race to the Finish - recognizing even and odd numbers
⭐ At Work On My Own
• Matching Cards - sorting even and odd numbers
⭐ Hands-On: Manipulatives
• Build, Draw & Label! - building numbers using base ten blocks and then identifying them as even or odd
❤️ French sample centres are also included!
The Guided Math Lesson sample includes:
⭐ Place Value - Odd and Even Numbers
• Ontario Grade 2 aligned: B1.5
• Common Core aligned: 2.OA.3
What teachers are saying about this guided math guide:
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ My students have been engaged as we have started using these math centre activities. I love that I do not have to prep each unit for different activities. I have laminated them so I can easily use them year after year!
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Great resource. Thank you! This will help me set up my guided math centers for a multi-grade leveled classroom.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I need to get guided math working well in my class, this guide gave me a lot to think about. I love the simplicity of the MATH system, and that it can be so easily differentiated.
⭐ Don't Miss Out!
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This product by Erin Beattie - Mrs. Beattie's Classroom is copyrighted for single-classroom use only. This product may not be resold and can be copied for personal use within a classroom only. If you have questions, please email
Copyright © Erin Beattie - Mrs. Beattie's Classroom
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