by Math Viking
5th - 12th Grade
This Olympic-themed game is hands-on or Google Slides. This spatial reasoning game is a fan favorite at Cracker Barrel and is as old as time. There is a black and white printable and a colorful digital option with moveable pieces. This is a free sample from the Math Viking Mega-Event Math Olympics pack for a full day of K-6 fun!
I like to show the color version on my board and give each student the paper version with counters. Then I share the Google Slides and they can play virtually too.
Every jump must be a jump of a peg over a neighboring peg.
There must be a space for the jumping peg to land in.
Jumps can be made either on the diagonal or the horizontal lines.
A peg that is jumped is removed (checkers)
- Google Slides game
- Printable game
- to play hands-on you need 14 game pieces or pennies or counters for each board.
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