by Susan Berkowitz
2nd - 8th Grade
Looking for a fun game to play while working on answering Wh questions? Answering Wh-questions is often very difficult for students with language disorders; especially students with Autism. Help them with the first step of knowing what kind of word answers which type of question.
• 2 game board pages
use one at a time, or put them inside a file folder and have a double-wide game board.
• Students answer the question “What type of Wh-question does this answer?”
There are visual cues to remind students that a person answers a who question, a time answers a when question, and a place answers a where question.
• color-coded version of the cue card for AAC users
• spinner provided
If your students really struggle with Wh question, use my Program to Teach Wh Questions , which is the paper version of my app; Question It.
For more Wh-question resources, enjoy my Answering Wh Questions about Pictures and my Answering Wh Questions BINGO
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