by Laura Candler
3rd - 6th Grade
These note-taking handouts were created for my webinar, Math Problem Solving: Mindsets Matter. During that session, I shared engaging strategies to help students overcome math anxiety and develop a growth mindset toward problem solving. I examined the research related to 6 commonly-held beliefs about math, and the implications of that research for the mathematics classroom. Participants learned specific cooperative learning strategies to boost math achievement in ALL students, including IPC Problem Solving and Share-Share-Compare. Download this webinar note-taking outline to learn more about what I covered during this session. To find out when the next live presentation is scheduled, visit
Professional Development Webinar Pack Details
If a live webinar is not scheduled, you can watch a replay by purchasing my Math Problem Solving: Mindsets Matter Webinar PD Pack. It includes a webinar replay to watch online, a downloadable video you can watch offline, and an audio Mp3 if you'd like to listen to the presentation. The pack also includes links to helpful printables, a printable PDF of the webinar slides and the webinar note-taking outline.
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