Tuesday, November 29, 2022

FREE MATH LESSON - “Christmas Present Color Counting”

by RoShamBo Homeschooling
Kindergarten - 2nd Grade

Okay, time to confess. With all this time stuck at home on Amazon with nothing to do but browse… who’s already started their Christmas shopping!? Who has a small (but growing) stash of presents hidden away somewhere? And (the winner!) who’s so excited they already have a few beautiful wrapped Christmas gifts??

C’mon, none of us would judge! I will admit to slyly bookmarking and screenshotting a few fun things for later. And somehow I’m already itching to pull out my tree! (I know, I know… it’s way too early still. I’ll at least wait until November 1st.)

If you have a preschool or kindergarten kiddo at home who just can’t wait for Christmas, this might be the perfect activity for them! Time to practice counting, review some colors, sneak in some handwriting practice with numbers… all with some ho-ho-ho-holiday fun!

Christmas Present Color Counting

Have your kiddo practice both counting AND colors with this fun printable set! Count each color of mixed up Christmas presents separately and write them in the boxes. This pack includes three different free printable worksheets for your kid to try out.

This Christmas counting printable is a little bit different from my other color counting activities (counting colors of fruit and animals). For those printables, each item is just one color. These Christmas presents are slightly trickier. Instead of just focusing really hard on searching for one color at a time (“Okay… red, red, red, red…”), a kiddo has to remember two colors (or shades) at once when counting. It’s cognitively more complicated for little ones who are still struggling with their attention spans. Which makes it a great thing to work on while learning something new!

Please let me know if you have any questions prior to purchasing.

© RoShamBo Homeschooling 2020

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