Friday, April 16, 2021

FREE MATH LESSON - “Integer War! An alternative to a deck of cards”

by MissMathDork
6th - 8th Grade

Integer Wars is played by first dealing out the whole deck of cards evenly among the players. Everyone flips over a card at the same time and compare their integers. The person with the highest valued integer wins all the cards in that round. Should 2 people have the same highest integer value, then they would set 3 cards face down and then flip the fourth and the one with the highest value would take all the cards. This is repeated until one person has all the cards from the deck and is declared the winner (or until the allotted amount of time is out)

32 cards included (feel free to make multiple sets to "beef" up the deck).
Red cards (-1 through -12)
Black cards (1 through 12)
8 zero cards
"comparison" boards if you want to have students make a comparative statement with their war turn. (or you can just hand out cards and have students make statements without playing war)

These cards are great for playing war without a deck of playing cards (no need to take out the face cards in this deck!)

Great for partners, small group, and math centers!

Great activity that have been classroom tested and has had positive results.

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Thank you so much for support!

Mathematically yours,

Personal Copyright: The purchase of this product allows you to use these activities in your personal classroom for your students. You may continue to use them each year but you may not share the activities with other teachers unless additional licenses are purchased. Please contact me via email for additional licenses. Site and District Licenses are also available.

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