Friday, December 30, 2016

FREE MISC. LESSON - “Marzano's Levels of Understanding (0-4 Point Scale) Poster and Rubric”

by Beyond Traditional Math
1st - 8th Grade

Each day in class we have a learning target. In order for the learning target to be meaningful to students, they must interact with it. My plan this year (for every learning target) is to have students rate themselves at the beginning of the lesson and again at the end.

In this resource you will find a landscape version of the 4 point scale that can be printed and enlarged to put on the wall to help this process. I plan to cut out each box, post it on the wall and put grahics underneath.

At the end of this download you'll notice a rubric where the student can put their name and the learning target. There is also a scale that is all on one page with a place for comments. This is so that you can check in on essential skills or benchmarks periodically throughout the school year. I might even have the student rate themselves in pencil, and I might do my rating in pen. I'll add comments and feedback below.

Marzano's levels of understanding have been around for a long time, I hope this resource could help us all embed it into our classroom language.

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