Friday, December 16, 2022

FREE MISC. LESSON - “Growth Mindset Activity for Life Skills Class”

by ESL Lifeline
Kindergarten - 12th Grade

Help your students cultivate a growth mindset by making connections about their habits 'today' and the ways in which these habits impact their futures, either positively or negatively. In this resource, you get a graphic organizer for comparing and contrasting, a motivational poster, a page explaining growth mindset, and an instructional page that gives quick classroom recommendations.

A student-centered visual into how your students can cultivate a growth mindset and start building a successful future today.


Resources that foster student autonomy and group learning reinforce the ‘human element’ so vital in our society. See how you can get your students teaching an entire class by themselves here!

See more of my lessons on…

-English Grammar Lessons

-English Reading Lessons

-English Listening Lessons

…and even

-PowerPoints for English Language Arts

Check out more Character Education and Life Skills resources here.


Need some ideas for teaching Growth Mindset? Check out resources similar to this here.

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