Saturday, May 21, 2022

FREE SCIENCE LESSON - “FREE Hands-on Science Experiment Stations”

by Lefty Lessons
3rd - 6th Grade

Get wacky with Science! These five fun Science stations will get your students to experience and think about Science using their hands (and their heads!). Students rotate in groups between each station and then launch rockets and drop eggs as a class.

The perfect activity for a more relaxed day (day before vacation!) while still having fun and enjoying structural learning.

Includes student instructions and teacher directions for each of the following stations:

Let it Snow! - Create and play with snow

We All Scream for Ice Cream - Make your own ice cream

Ready, Set, Launch! - Make a baking soda rocket

Become an EGGspert - Create a structure to keep an egg safe when it is dropped

Let's Get Gooey - Create and play with slime!

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