Wednesday, October 17, 2018

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “AAC Core Vocabulary Roll a Phrase or Sentence”

by Susan Berkowitz
2nd - 8th Grade

This is a fun activity for your augmentative communication users or other minimally verbal students can practice making phrases and sentences using core words.

There are:
• 20 dice, each with 6 core words (and 1 or 2 fringe words), 
• plus 1 die with some common nouns/fringe for students. 
• 21 dice in all.
• Words are, for the most part, grouped by part of speech; in order to maximize the possibilities for syntactically correct phrases or sentences.

Choose which or how many dice to use for each student, dependent upon their ability or objective.

For a no-prep version of the game, use the dice:word index cards.
Students roll regular game dice, you determine which column of words to use for each student’s dice.

If you want to make a competitive game for a group, give students points for the number of words they can use per turn. The student - or small group - with the most points ‘wins.’

Students with speech generating devices should use their devices to “speak” the phrase or sentence once they have arranged the dice in the correct order.

You might also like: 10 Weeks to Communicating with 40 Core Words and Activities and Games to Learn a Year of Core Words
I have lots of other AAC resources in my store, too.

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